30 October 2007


I got curious as to whether there were others out there who blogs about reading. I shouldn't have been so surprised since everyone these days blogs about everything, but I nonetheless was shocked at how many blogs were out there dedicated solely to the reading experience. I looked through a few and I couldn't help myself but to mentally compare mine with theirs.

And theirs were really good and mine not so much. Other people actually write coherent entries about literature and reading. And the entries seem to offer some definite opinion to the world. Finally, the other blogs are not so personal.

Mine, on the other hand, is so egocentric. I... I... I... I... I. And my entries about are about too many things, none that should be of interest to anybody but me. My entries are personal and unfocused.

But I like my blog. The other blogs seem to address an audience; I address myself. My goal of this blog was to have a place to write out my obsession with books and reading.

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