12 February 2009


Casually, shee and I commented that the worst must be over. It was Saturday and I went from two to one layer of down. And yesterday, we hit 60 degrees and it was bright. I predict we'll have a stretch days when it'll be freakishly cold, but yes, the worst must be over.

As I was trading my one layer of down for the pink spring coat yesterday, I thought about a couple of other trades I am making.

I will soon be shedding Middlemarch. Yes, I am still reading that, but I read seven other books in the process, so there. It's a lovely book, in fact one of my favorite. But it's long and bulky. The book is also white like the snow. And I think my reading spirit would be lighter after I am done with the concerns of Middlemarch. I found it unbearable at times to read the book because it was so poignant, piercing and true. I think, though I like the book a lot, I am ready to trade Middlemarch for a lighter, springy, sit in a park and read in the sun kind of a book.

I am also shifting from one-skein knitting to cardigan knitting. That signals to me that the warmer days are coming when I have no incentive to produce massive amounts of hats, scarves and mittens to adorn myself as well as protect myself from the cold. Now come the lazy, unhurried knitting of the time consuming lace projects or cardigans. I bought the 101 Luxury Yarn One Skein Wonders book, a concrete proof that the knitting weather is changing. There are lots of lace patterns there that'll keep me knitting very slowly, and frogging frequently. And who cares? it's the summer. I am not in any hurry to wear any of these things...

Another very attractive book, which I will get closer to the summer is:

French Girl Knits

They have patterns for things that I imagined as a non-knitter for things that I would make if I knew how to knit. In other words, a perfect, dreamy book. There are lots of lace patterns for cardigans. Lace + cardigans = lots of very slow knitting in front of the teli, wacthing House in an air-conditioned room. I like lace knitting. You get a very hole-y diaphanous stuff that makes you feel slightly more feminine than jeans.

Ah so I am getting excited about slow knitting. I am shedding middlemarch. We've come to a full circle; the spring is here. sorta.

10 February 2009

more self-help adventure

Ah... so it turns out, the title of that self-help book about interpersonal relationship is "how to WIN friends and influence people," not "how to MAKE friends and influence people." Now I find it a little creepy that there exists a manual for winning and influencing people. But I am going to try it anyway because the "how to stop worrying..." book was so good. And if I am truly honest with myself, I guess I would like to know how to win and influence people!

06 February 2009

self-help books

To combat excessive and persistent anxiety, I bought myself:

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

by Dale Carnegie.

To my mortification, about three other people, whose opinions I do care about, joined me on the trip to the bookstore. I explained that this is the first time I am getting a self-help book because I've gotten desperate about my anxiety. Thankfully, my friends were nonjudgmental. However, Arthur pointed out that I need the How to Win Friends and Influence People badly. This is not the first time someone told me about that book. Mel confirmed my suspicion that it's not a good thing when multiple people recommend that book to me.

But the point is, I realized I had inadvertently lied to my friends for it was NOT my first time buying a self-help book. In fact, looking at my reading history, I consult a self-help book quite often. The book, It's all too much: an easy plan for living a richer life with less stuff, really helped me with decluttering and organizing my things. And my last entry in this blog was kind of a review of a self help book about graduate school.

So am I one of those people now who head for the prominent self help section at Barnes and Noble? Please tell me I am not one of them... When I was there with Shee a couple of weeks ago, I saw a waste of good shelf space devoted to cheesy and colorful books for illiterate and lonely people. There were way too many chicken soup books for distinctly afflicted souls. When a salesperson came up to ask if I needed help, I wanted to ask if there was a section on anxiety self-help books. I chickened out and asked instead if the self help books were organized by subject or author.

Okay, so it seems I am the judgmental one. I admit it. Ironically though I am kind of sold on self-help books. The "Stop worrying and Start living book" was amazing and it not only helped me to feel less anxious, but made me a better, happier person. I thought the book was going to teach me how to stop worrying, but it somehow hit at all my issues from interpersonal relationships to insomnia. Now I am actually starting to accumulate a list of self-help books to read.

It can be the recession of course. I read in the paper that people focus more on self-improvement during bad economic times. It can't be that these books contain novel jems. In fact the worry book told me things I already knew or things my parents, teachers, and friends have already told me. The book, though captivating and somewhat well-written, was not literary. So what is it about (good) self help books that actually allows me to help the self?

I came up with two things:

1. It's much easier to hear things (sometimes) from a total stranger who will never see you than from earnest friends and a loving family.

2. Reading these books delude me into feeling that I am making progress towards helping the self when in reality I am further procrastinating doing something about my flaws by reading.

Okay, those two things are rather cynical. I guess I don't want to accept that I am destined to watch Dr. Phil in two years. But I have to admit that some of them actually help. The worry book is awesome. Try it. Reading self-help books is probably a better way to cope than reading depressing poetry anyway.