04 January 2011

A new reading year…

I have written 2010 enough times today to show me the power of a habit. Of all things I want to establish when I am still young enough to think about “the rest of my life,” I want to have a deeply ingrained reading habit. So as I obsess about that once again this year, I have made the following New Year’s Literary Resolution:

Instead of fitting reading into my life, I'll fit my life around my reading. This is not because reading is the most important thing in my life, but because the latter approach will more likely give me both, the reading and the living, than the formal one.

I said something like this back in 2009. Nothing makes me happier than to swim in words, yet I often find the literary air thin throughout the year. Here I go again, trying to live a literary life…

Happy Reading Year everyone! Be sure to set a literary resolution, perhaps one a little more creative and doable than mine…

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