This new home away from home. Seeing paintings and an old friend made things better.
Although Judge Cardozo is a good storyteller, I got a little sick of reading his prose. Good thing the law library stocks periodicals and comfy chairs so I read a creativity article in one of the summer The Atlantic magazines. Reading Andreason's article brought me back to the 10th grade when I read her Brave New Brain book and aspired to be a neuroscientist. Always astonished at how my life had turned out. Anyway, she was trying to figure out the characteristics of creativity by studying creative people such as writers and scientists. I was glad to see she deems scientists creative, but I was irked when she compared such creative people with non-creative types--such as lawyers. Well, to be fair, she did say we generally perceive, as a society, that lawyers are not creative, which is different from, I suppose, saying that lawyers are not creative. Still, I am finding that what making all this bearable is that I get a glimpse of creativity in law and look forward to a life of creativity. I guess we don't think of lawyers as creative people but we also don't like to think of lawyers as creative because we like the illusion of the law being, well, certain as opposed to, creative, which sounds a little sketchy or unethical. But outside of the lovely bluebook, there are no answers... this 1L is beginning to see. This is scary but not at all surprising. There are many stories and I am glad the law allows for all and leaves room for interpretation.
Autumn and its colors. Beautiful but sad.
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