Today I read:
USA Today Thursday, April 24, 2014: news, life, money.
New York Post Thursday, April 24, 2014
I was always too snooty to read the New York Post, but these days the Post has become a guilty pleasure-read. It is hilarious, fun, and does not make my head hurt. I feel less annoyed at the absurd world I traverse daily and all that. And it has cartoons. And sudoku. Score!
Legal Writing in Plain English: A Text with Exercises, 2nd Ed. by Bryan A. Garner
I picked this up at a real physical book store in nyc being a dinosaur I am because I thought it was going to be a special writing book. But while I was at the said physical location where you can hold the book before buying, I also should’ve read a bit of it. Then I would’ve realized that a good legal writing book is a good writing book. Actually, I have no idea what a good legal writing book is given that I don’t know anything about legal writing, but I am finding this book to be an incredible writing book about clarity of thought and elegant simplicity as the aesthetic aim of a writer of any ilk.
The New York Times Magazine April 20, 2014
Would it be possible to go do a painting on North Brother Island? And why have I never drank a bloody mary in my entire life? Am I still a real adult?
Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist by John Piper
1L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Professor’s Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School by Andrew J. McClurg
I think I can do those case brief thingies. I am kind of excited to do those. Is something wrong with me?
Michael said during the last lecture of the year on Friday that in order to become an artist, the art student should have a life outside of school, always carry a sketchbook, and read everything. I started today to try reading everything since the advice resonates for this aspiring artist and attorney who intends on literary living. Furthermore (and more importantly?) reading is one of the least guilt inducing way to procrastinate (that is, unless you have actual assigned/obligated reading to do). And I will nurse my neuroses by keeping a record of what I read daily (let’s see how long I can keep this up) so that I can also sorta blog again.
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