05 January 2010

Rituals and Routines.

One of my favorite things to read in the Sunday New York Times is the “Sunday Routine” column in Metropolitan section. I am not really sure why, but I think it’s a combination of the following: circadian rhythm is so elusive to me so I am always amazed at how everyone seems to possess a routine; adulthood is elusive to me so it’s fascinating to see how adults (successful ones, I suppose, to have been chosen by the NYT) maneuver their Sundays.

I’ve also been thinking a lot lately about (the sustainability of) rituals and (the value of) routines. And I thought, now that it’s a new year and I am allowed to make all sorts of plans, I should try posting more routinely here as a personal ritual. I am thinking Tuesdays and Thursdays. And what do you know—it’s Tuesday! I don’t always have things to say, but I think blogs are supposed to be updated regularly so here goes.


JackPo said...

I definitely think you should setup some sort of routines. Routines allow you to quickly get out of ruts and also allows you to get stuff you normally won't want to do done :)

bibliophile said...

j, I definitely agree! Thanks for your sage advice :).

Anonymous said...

why keep a blog if you don't post often?

bibliophile said...

That's true. I'm trying to post more often, and perhaps more importantly, more regularly (hence the routine).