Ah.. it seems there is another book out about Virginia Woolf--this one about her relationship with her maids:
Mrs. Woolf and the Servants by Alison Light
Virginia Woolf's turbulent relationships with Nellie and other servants were hinted to me by the movie, The Hours, and The Writer's Diary, a diary of Virginia Woolf edited by Leonard. So I guess it was common knowledge that Virginia Woolf was awkward with her servants. And to find out more, I want so very much want to read this new book.
But alas, it's 30 dollars. So I will wait for the trade paperback edition.
Ah, but the biography of Leonard Woolf by Victoria Glendinning is now on paperback:
Leonard Woolf: a Biography
so perhaps I should go and get the book. I have a great interest in reading up on the husband because I shall not marry until I find my Leonard.
Oh but before getting more deep into the life of my favorite writer, I feel I should first finish the Quentin Bell biography of Virginia Woolf*:
Virginia Woolf: a biography
But it's such a long book... but yes, I vow to read the Bell biography first then the Leonard book then the one about v. woolf and her servants. Ah, by the time I get to "Mrs. Woolf and her Servants," it may be out in paperback!
How it all works out. But so many books to read!
*If anybody is actually reading this blog, you might be interested to know that the Quentin Bell biography of Virginia Woolf was a book I bought from the cool philosophy grad student! It's a really pretty book too!
1 comment:
Don't worry, Moo, your blog still has at least one reader ;) I loved your post on The Little Prince the other day. It made me wish I'd discovered the book earlier!
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